from Sept 1st to 9th 2021 Officially selected at the Venice Mostra – VR expanded Find out more  arrow_downward Le Bal de Paris An immersive live performance
enhanced by virtual reality.
de Blanca Li Find out more  arrow_downward
Find all dates of the tour and book
your tickets.
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1 h 15 of experience

35 minutes in virtual reality

10 participants by session

Who are the guests of the Ball

2 performers dancers

Who play the main heroes

immerse yourself in the virtual experience...

The concept

An immersive live show enhanced by 35 minutes of virtual reality.

You are invited to participate to the greatest Paris Ball, an experience created by Blanca Li to discover in a spectacular way virtual reality through dance and music. During an hour and fifteen, Blanca Li has staged a total show, with thirty five minutes spent in virtual reality inside an artificial, fantastic, poetic and surprising digitally created world. Each member of the audience will be invited to watch and also to perform. They will have the opportunity to participate and dance, interacting with live dancers.

To carry out a progressive transition from real to virtual world, the spectator is first immersed in a real ball with real dancers. The party spirit and ballroom dancing figures will be continued throughout his immersion in the virtual world. Built around three great ball scenes, the virtual experience will carry the audience through the whirlwind of a great love story whose main characters are performed by professional dancers. Everyone will be free to dance, to enjoy the party as they wish, and to interact with whoever they choose to do so.

A fabulous, entertaining and totally ground breaking show to be enjoyed with friends or family.

The synopsis

``Adèle celebrates her return to Paris with a big party organized by her father. A guest, Pierre, disrupts the event.``

The Cast

The story of an unexpected encounter

Le Bal de Paris de Blanca Li, beyond the intention of creating a live show unique and immersive, is the result of an unexpected rendez-vous between many contributors.

On one hand, Blanca Li choreographer and famous movie director, passionate about new technologies, has gone into the conception of a virtual experience for the first time.

On the other hand, Backlight studio VR, awarded several times and used to entertainment, is challenged to create an experience mixing dance and festive celebration, for the first time as well.

Adding a touch of poetry and beauty, Chanel, maison de haute couture, designed the costumes of Le Bal de Paris de Blanca Li. Indeed, for the first time as well, the luxury shows up in virtual reality by recreating unforgettable suits and dresses for an out-of-the-ordinary moment. The participants live an enchanted time in a wonderful universe.

cachet LeBalDeParis


Le Bal de Paris de Blanca Li continues its tour

Since Le Bal de Paris de Blanca Li was awarded the Lion for Best VR Experience at the 2021 Venice Film Festival, nearly 50,000 spectators have had the opportunity to experience the show around the world.

After a Paris premiere at Chaillot, Théâtre National de la Danse, followed by a 4-month run at Le Palace in Paris, the tour took us to Liège Theater in Belgium, the Barbican Centre in London, Flux Laboratory in Geneva, Festival dei due Mondi in Spoleto, and Opéra de Rennes. The show completed its first year of touring at the Biennale Danza in Venice in July 2022.

Subsequently, Le Bal de Paris played at the Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg, the Equilibre-Nuithonie in Fribourg, the National Theater and Concert Hall in Taiwan, the Belgrade Dance Festival in Belgrade and the Festival dei due mondi in Spoleto.

Since then, the show has continued to fascinate audiences around the world. Currently in Taipei until summer 2024, it will also be possible to experience it in Singapore from February 2024.

This lively & immersive show where music and dance merge with virtual reality continues its international tour!

To follow the Bal de Paris adventure, follow us on social networks: Instagram and Facebook. And if you get the chance to try out our experience, don’t hesitate to mention us and add the hashtags #LeBalDeParisVR or #LeBalDeParisDeBlancaLi. We look forward to hearing from you

Your RDV

The tour

Due to the current sanitary restrictions, the performances of Le Bal de Paris de Blanca Li were postponed. If you want to be part of the party, you can leave your email adress to be the first informed and share a special soirée with Blanca Li.

from july 17 2024


2F, IP Mall, Tomorrow Square, 389 West Nanjing Lu

from september 11 to 23 2024

Beziehungsweise – Ein Tanzfestival

Foyer Theater Basel

from july 5 to 7 2024


Roma, Gazometro

from july 3 to 7 2024

Foncation Fiminco

43 rue de la Commune, 93130, Romainville

From march 2 to 17 2024

23 Media Cir., #02-15, Singapour 138563

From December 9th to july 2024

No. 189, Shishang Rd, Shiling District, Taipei City

See past performances + -


du 28 juin au 09 juillet


Teatro Nuovo Gian Carlo Menotti

Via Vaita S.Andrea, 20, 06049 Spoleto PG, Italie



From 08/03 to 12/03

Belgrade Dance Festival

Cinema Balkan

16 Brace Jugovića Street, Belgrade 11 000



From 18/02 to 04/03

National Theater and Concert Hall

10048 Chung-Shan South Road



From 10/02 to 12/02

Théâtre Les Gémeaux Scène Nationale

Les Gémeaux, Scène nationale
49, avenue Georges Clemenceau – 92330 Sceaux

From 01/02 to 05/02


Place Jean Tinguely 1
1700 Fribourg


From 28/12 to 07/01

Grand Théâtre

1, rond-point Schuman
L-2525 Luxembourg


From 11/11 to 13/11

Théâtre Luxembourg

4, rue Cornillon – BP 213
77103 MEAUX Cedex


From 24/10 to 28/10/2022

Espace Lino Ventura

Espace Lino Ventura
Avenue du Général de Gaulle
95140 Garges-lès-Gonesse



From 29/09 to 02/10/2022

Théâtre de l'Olivier

Place Jules Guesde


From 22/07 to 31/07/2022

Biennale Danza

Ca’Giustinian – Sala delle Colonne


From 08/07 to 10/07/2022

Opéra de Rennes

Place de la Mairie

CS 63126

35031 Rennes Cedex



From 24/06 to 10/07/2022

Spoleto Festival Dei Due Mondi

Teatro Nuovo Gian Carlo Menotti
Via Vaita S. Andrea, 20, 060449 Spoleto



From 19/05 to 28/05/2022

Barbican Centre

Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8DS



From 03/05 to 15/05/2022

Flux Laboratory

Cinéma Plaza – Rue de Chantepoulet 1, 1201 Genève



From 01/04 to 09/04/2022

Barbican Centre

Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8DS



From 17/11 to 06/03/22

Le Théâtre le Palace

8 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009 Paris



From 7/11 to 14/11/2021

Théâtre de Liège

Place du 20-Août, 16 · 4000 Liège



From 7 to 16 octobre 2021

Chaillot / Théâtre national de la danse

1 Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre, 75016 Paris

Immersion in images

Music and dance merge with virtual reality to offer you a festive artistic and spectacular experience.

An experience between reality and virtual.

Réalité Virtuel


The birth of le Bal de Paris de Blanca Li


Our partners


Compagnie Blanca Li (Film Addict – Calentito )


BackLight Studio (France)
Fabrique d’Images (Luxembourg)
Actrio Studio (Allemagne)
Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse (France)
Teatros del Canal Madrid (Espagne)



With the support and participation from

Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée CNC (France)
Film Fund Luxembourg
Epic MegaGrants  (USA)
HTC Vive
Programme Europe Créative de l’Union Européenne
Ville de Paris (France)
Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg (Allemagne)
DICRéAM (France)


l’Institut Français, Rencontres de Coproduction du Film Francophone (Luxembourg), Festival NewImages (Paris, France) , Festival International de Film de Genève (Suisse), VR Days (Pays-Bas), Cannes XR (France), Kaleidoscope (USA), Centre Phi (Canada), Toute l’équipe de CHANEL

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Compagnie Blanca Li

43 rue de la Commune de Paris
(Fondation Fiminco)
93230 Romainville

Tel : 01 53 34 04 05
Email :

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