Déesses & Démones

Creation at Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris
artistic direction and choreography Blanca Li

Dancers Blanca Li and Maria Alexandrova, principal dancer from Bolshoi Ballet

Goddesses & Demonesses is set in a mythological world inhabited by two radically different, but equally renowned, female dancers, Blanca Li and Maria Alexandrova.
Like the great Greek gods of Antiquity, these two internationally celebrated dance goddesses perform with superhuman strength, continually transforming themselves into their opposites until good and evil, kindness and cruelty are as difficult to separate as Siamese twins. Evoking the same paradoxes existing in life on earth, the goddesses of dance battle each other with fierce fury, empower each other with their joy and love, trick each other with great glee, eye each other with equal doses of trust and suspicion while creating chaos and harmony as they winkingly toy with human destiny.
To experience one of the world’s most versatile choreographers and spellbinding modern dancers, Blanca Li, perform with the Bolshoi Ballet’s most adventurous étoile is to enter a world of the unexpected in which two independent forces of nature unite in an always surprising, but singular vision.

Music Tao Gutierrez
Scenography Pierre Attrait
Video Charles Carcopino
Light design Caty Olive
Costumes Azzedine Alaïa, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Stella McCartney and Sophie Théallet
Hairdos and wigs John Nollet
Accessories Erik Halley
coproduction Blanca Li and Theatre des Champs-Elysées
video at Bolshoi by Charles Thompson
photo by Nico Bustos @Artlist
dresses by Sophie Théallet

“For much of the piece, Li and Alexandrova share the stage, one in white and the other in black, mirroring each other’s movements. They appear as shadow silhouettes, striking Egyptian-inspired poses; behind masks, leaning sensually on chairs; in Isadora Duncan-like flowing dresses. They share a beguiling androgynous quality. Alexandrova is a force of nature even by Moscow’s standards of bravura, a ballerina who takes charge on stage. It shows in a long solo where her rippling swan arms give way to imperious marching on pointe. Li, meanwhile, is angular and commanding in an oversized red skirt that is at once toga, flamenco prop and a throwback to Loie Fuller’s serpentine dance.” Laura Capell, Financial Time

 Tanrıçalar ve Şeytanlar

Dates de tournée

23 juin 2018
Teatro de verdura Generalife
Sainte Maxime
25 novembre 2017
23 août 2017
Festival de Hammamet
3 juin 2017
Teatros del Canal
3 et 4 juin
22 avril 2017
Centre Cultural
San Cugat
21 avril 2017
entradas en santcugat.koobin.com/blancali
New York City
30 mars 2017
New York City Center
3 performances on March 30, 31st and April 1st
Antibes (06)
28 février 2017
2 représentations les 28 fév et 1er mars
Sceaux (92)
14 octobre 2016
Les Gémeaux
3 représentations du 14 au 16 octobre
Noisy le Grand (93)
7 octobre 2016
Théâtre Michel Simon
14 avril 2016
MAC Créteil
les 14, 15, 16 avril
17 mars 2016
Scene Nationale de Maubeuge
22 décembre 2015
Théâtre des Champs-Elysées
du 22 décembre au 3 janvier
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Compagnie Blanca Li

43 rue de la Commune de Paris
(Fondation Fiminco)
93230 Romainville

Tel : 01 53 34 04 05
Email : contact@blancali.com

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